Member’s Dashboard My Account Recruitment and Employment Assessment Completed by: First Name Text Last Name Email 1. Can the business/organisation support the on-going cost of an additional employee? Yes, definitely. The proposed position will add value to the business and generate sustainable revenue immediately. Yes, while it will add to the cost, the position will add to the control environment of the business which is long overdue. No, not really. While we need the post it is not essential. No, we haven't thought it through and the post will just add to our overheads. 2. Has the position being filled been sufficiently motivated, justified, evaluated and bench-marked? Yes, this is a requirement before all recruitment. No, we have no formalised processes. 3. Has the job role/description been clearly defined and have the required qualifications, experience, skill set required and regulatory requirements been considered and reporting lines established? Yes definitely. We place a major focus on competencies and skills fit with detailed job descriptions, satisfying any applicable labour regulatory requirements and ensure that clear reporting lines are in place. Yes, we focus on ensuring that all positions and employees are provided with detailed job descriptions and skills requirements. Yes, to a degree. We have loosely defined job descriptions, skill requirements and reporting lines. No, we have nothing formalised around posts, job descriptions and skill requirements and largely just fill posts with the most appropriate individuals available. 4. Has the post been appropriately advertised or positioned with reputable recruitment agencies in a transparent manner? Yes, we prepare a comprehensive brief of the desired candidate and provide this to professional recruitment agents. Yes, to a degree. We prefer to promote from within and be guided by existing employees. No, we don't believe in any formalised recruitment and rely entirely on word of mouth. 5. Has a multiple interview process been established for short-listed candidates? Yes, we have a formal interview process that is followed. No, we undertake very informal interviews. 6. Have comprehensive background checks, CV and employee references been undertaken on short-listed names? Yes, definitely. We are acutely aware of doing comprehensive vetting and checking as we can't afford to have a bad hire or high risk employee. Yes, to a degree. We try and do as much checking as we can, but haven't got the resources or time to do this thoroughly. No, not really. We do a few basic reference checks. No, not all. We rely on gut feel and the personal introductions of all potential employees. 7. Have identity, credit, criminal and qualification checks been undertaken on short-listed names? Yes, absolutely. Until such a time as we receive clear checks in this regard, we do not make any formal offer of employment. Yes, to a degree. Our checks are not comprehensive and we often allow employees to commence employment before these are obtained. No, not at all. We do not undertake any formal checks of these aspects and rely purely on personal references. 8. Have the health and well-being and absenteeism track record of potential names been established? Yes, health and well-being is a key part of our employee selection focus. No, we have not addressed or focused on this area. 9. Have you established if there are any potential conflicts of interest with a proposed candidate? Yes, this is an important dimension to us as we have had prior experience of staff effectively competing with us or stealing business from us. Yes, to a degree. We merely leave this as a condition of employment. No, we have not focused on this aspect, but need to take it more seriously. 10. Has a comprehensive offer of employment with the terms and conditions of employment been issued and offered to the preferred candidate for acceptance? Yes, we follow a very disciplined process in this regard so that there is no confusion around the terms of employment. Yes, to a degree. Our processes are a little bit slack and we have had instances where employees dispute what was agreed and offered to them. No, our processes around this are very informal. 11. Has a formal contract of employment been entered into with the party? Yes, absolutely. Before any employee can start their employment, a comprehensive, flexible contract of employment must be signed. Yes, to a degree. Our contracts are a bit basic and lend themselves to wide interpretation. No, we are very slack in this area and have many employees with unsigned contracts. 12. Has a comprehensive schedule of the employees personal details, bank account, address, next of kin and contact numbers been obtained? Yes, we insist on these as a matter of course and continually update them for any changes. No, our processes around these are very limited. 13. Has a declaration of interests been obtained from the employee? Yes, we insist on these and explain the importance. No, we don't cover this dimension at all. 14. Have you mutually agreed KPI’s and/or KPA’s with the employee? Yes, key performance indicators and measurable targets are agreed with all employees up front and these are included in job descriptions and/or employment contracts. Yes, to a degree. We have broad performance indicators which are open to wide interpretation. No, not really. We struggle to set measurable performance measures for most of our employees. No, we do not have any performance measures in place. 15. Are all employees required to familiarise themselves with the HR Policies and Code of Conduct of the business/organisation? Yes, absolutely. These are an integral part of the conditions of employment and all employees are required to acknowledge that they have familiarised themselves with all the policies and code of conduct. Yes, to a degree. These are in place, but have not been updated for many years and this aspect needs focus. No, these are not formalised or documented and staff merely have to figure these out for themselves. 16. Has the employee attended an induction process where the culture, values, whistleblower protection and reputation of the business/organisation are reaffirmed? Yes, induction forms a key component of all new employees' integration into the business. Yes, to a degree. We have some informal processes, but these need far more professionalisation. No, we have no induction or familiarisation processes. 17. Has the disciplinary and grievance process been explained to the employee? Yes, definitely. We take our disciplinary processes very seriously and these are covered in our induction process and highlighted during our interview process, e.g. we have a zero tolerance to fraud, theft and criminality. Yes, to a degree. We have documented processes, but our disciplinary code has not been updated for some time. No, we don't have formalised disciplinary processes or laid down codes of conduct which results in us having excessive labour issues. 18. Have the reporting lines/chain of command for the employee been clearly established? Yes, we believe this is an important part of accountability. No, we don't worry about formalising this aspect. 19. Has the access/attendance control system, leave application and absenteeism/sick leave recording and reporting process been discussed with the employee? Yes, we take attendance and absenteeism very seriously. No, our systems and controls around this area are pretty slack. 20. Has the social media policy been explained to the employee? Yes, this now forms an integral part of our induction programme and is also incorporated into our code of conduct. Yes, to a degree. We have tried to introduce controls and policies, but these have had limited success. No, we do not have any social media controls or policies in place. 21. Has the employee been informed of the business/organisation's stance on fraud, theft, corruption and criminality? Yes, definitely. We have a zero tolerance to fraud, theft and criminality and this is clearly spelled out to all employees and enforced. Yes, to a degree. We have disciplinary codes around these, but our disciplinary processes and lack of evidence continue to let us down. No, we are very inconsistent in this area. 22. Has the aspect of the ownership of intellectual property, non-disclosure and the theft of ideas, designs or trade secrets been covered? Yes, this forms part of our induction process and is covered in our HR policy document. Yes, to a degree. While we focus on theft, this hasn't covered the dimension of ideas and intellectual property. No, we don't deal with this issue. 23. Has the aspect of restraints of trade or non-solicitation or non-compete conditions been covered with the employee? Yes, this is a key element of our business/industry so we take it seriously. No, not really. While this is important to us, we have not taken this aspect seriously enough and need to focus on it. No, this area is not really applicable to us. 24. Has the performance and salary review process been explained to the employee, including the basis on which any bonuses, commission or incentives will be calculated and paid? Yes, this is a very important part of our HR processes and performance is reviewed against agreed KPA's and KPI's and the overall performance of the business. Yes, to a degree. We need to tighten up in this area as we have had a number of disputes around performance, commissions and bonuses. No, not really. We have not formalised much in this area as it is really dependent on our overall performance. No, we have nothing formalised in this area and this results in unnecessary employee friction. 25. Has union affiliation, workplace forums and employee representation been advised to the employee? Yes, this is a key part of our employee and labour interactions. No, this is not necessary or applicable at this stage. No, we are lacking in this area. 26. Have the training and skills development initiatives and opportunities as well as the employee well-being initiatives in the business/organisation been discussed with the employee? Yes, training and skills development and employee well-being are an integral part of our HR focus and employee education. No, these aren't really applicable to our business. No, we offer nothing in these areas. 27. Has the employee been informed that the business/organisation will be carrying out lifestyle checks on an on-going basis and that any material changes or conflicts of interest will need to be explained? Yes, absolutely. We are highly sensitive to this area and the potential for fraud, collusion and corruption. Yes, to a degree. We take this aspect seriously, but have no formalised review processes in place. No, we have not highlighted or focused on these areas with our employees. 28. Have payroll policies, pay dates, statutory and allowable deductions been discussed with the employee? Yes, these are set out annually and fully explained to staff. Yes, to a degree. Exact pay dates are not set in stone and are cash flow dependent. No, we have nothing formalised in this regard. 29. Has the business/organisation’s focus on safety standards and health policy been explained to the employee? Yes, absolutely. Health and safety is taken very seriously by us and all employees are required to undergo on-going training and comply with laid down safety and hygiene procedures or face disciplinary processes. Yes, to a degree. We take safety seriously, but need to focus far more on this area. No, we have done largely nothing in this area. 30. Has the employee been informed of the business/organisation's focus on security, IT controls and disciplines, cyber fraud and cyber-risk awareness? Yes, absolutely. Security, IT disciplines and cybercrime are integral elements of our employee induction and key elements of our risk focus. Yes, to a degree. We have focused on security, but need to do much more in the area of IT controls and disciplines. No, we have done very little in this area. 31. Has non-disclosure, client confidentiality and the regulatory requirements around the protection of personal information and records been discussed with the employee? Yes, we take confidentiality, compliance and our reputation very seriously. No, we are non-compliant in this area and lack the required controls and disciplines. 32. Have the disciplines of risk awareness, good governance and accountability been reinforced with the employee? Yes, absolutely. These are key elements of our employee induction. Yes, to a degree. We are serious about these, but they lack formalisation in our business/organisation. No, we have done nothing in this area. 33. Has the use of company assets and the responsibility and accountability for these been covered with the employee? Yes, we have comprehensive requirements in this area covering vehicles, laptops, tablets, phones, stock and company records. No, not really. While we try and hold staff responsible we tend to rely on our insurance. No, we don't cover this with employees and have nothing formalised in this area. 34. Has the issue of conflict, drugs, drinking and sexual harassment in the workplace been discussed with the employee? Yes, this is a key element of our code of conduct. Yes, to a degree. While we take these seriously, they are not formalised in our code of conduct or disciplinary processes. No, we have not enforced anything formally around these. 35. Have the issues around violent, sexist and/or racist behaviour, bullying, intimidation or victimisation in the work place been made clear to the employee? Yes, we take these aspects very seriously and they form part of our disciplinary code. No, we don't focus on personal behaviour or attitudes. Score Score 0 to 29 Your score indicates that there is a lack of Recruitment and Employment controls and discipline that exposes your organisation to massive risk. We suggest that you URGENTLY address the issue of human resources expanded risk management generally, and also identify the biggest risks individually and put the necessary policies and programs together without delay to minimise these risks. Score between 30 and 44 Your score reveals that your Recruitment and Employment controls and discipline are weak and expose your organisation to significant risk. We suggest you address the area of human resources expanded control risk as a priority and look to make improvements in this area as soon as possible. Score between 45 and 54 Your score suggests that there are significant potential weaknesses in your Recruitment and Employment controls and that this should receive attention as a matter of priority. While an overall improvement may be required, it is also possible that your vulnerability is limited to one or two areas. Score between 55 and 64 Your score suggests you could and should improve your Recruitment and Employment controls, but that this area probably doesn't represent a massive risk (generally). There may however be some vulnerability in a couple of areas that should be addressed in the reasonably near future. Score between 65 and 79 Your score suggests that you probably have strong Recruitment and Employment controls and are therefore probably not hugely at risk. We would however recommend that you identify possible areas of weakness and address these in due course. Score 80 and above Your score suggests that you have strong Recruitment and Employment controls and have therefore greatly reduced your risk in this area. We would still advise you however to identify possible areas of weakness and address these in due course. reCAPTCHA Submit